Thursday 14 May 2015

Watch your back at all times

- A chicken that mimics the duck will drown
- Don't pluck a green peach; when it ripens it will falt by itself
- If you can"t win,make your enemy pay a heavy price
- Look for the rose with the best flower,not the least thorns
- This wife of a careless man is almost a widow
- If you survive a shark attack don't go backing for your hat
- Bad luck always enters through the door that was left open for it to came in
- Patience for a moment ,comfort for ten years
- No man's credit is worth as much as his cash
- Carrots and sticks may work with donkeys but not people
- The wrong always seems the most rational
- Calm waters may conceal crocodiles

The facts I posted is facts busied on street talks.In the south we do have a lot of expressions that,after  a while,have origins that we've forgotten.I grew up with my grandmother saying ''that watch your back at all times." Whats great about this is that she always mentioned my name though. The other thing is that she also said, "that idiot drives like a bet out of the lake." It was a year before I realized that she didn't want to say, "bat out of hell." So I guess she was referring to the lake of fire mentioned in the Bible. She didn't make that up, though.

I also think that people who sell their souls to the devil is just an expression but that we all. When they choose any type of evil in exchange for some favour like when they lie to get the promotion or when they cheat to win. I guess you're now wondering who are these "they?" Well, I'm referring to the earthly people who are Atheists or who don't believe in God. The devil doesn't have to show children. You don't have to do what some others do, otherwise you probably might land up in Hell. Just kidding!

Earthly Atheists totally know that their followings is controversial. Who doesn't know that if you flash images, slowly, someone will pause it and talk about in for days? If it really was to be subliminal, you wouldn't know it was there at all. Baiting in Christians, conspiracy theorists and Christian conspiracy theorists so that they can make fools of us with an explanation like, "I just wanted to hit back at these nuts who keep saying that I'm a Satanist."

I love GOD. I don't believe that a devil exists. The majority of people will accept that explanation because this facts creeps them out.

Black people aren't smart enough to be this deep right and I'm not trying to bring race into this issue. I'm black by the way. If this facts are true then I imagine earthly peope loves feeling smart than anyone in the nation would give them credit for. They are considered one of the most intelligent people around, but think of this for a moment, are Atheists more intelligent than people who believe in God? It's a very big know for me. What is it for you?

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