Monday 18 May 2015

The difference between true and false men

- To deceive an enemy appeals to his ego
- Men may be bribed in a variety of coins
- When you hunt,let the game come to you
- In the long-term we're all dead
- In a storm,prey to God but run for cover
- In a sinking ship men are more likely to save their lovers first
- In the world of promises man go hungry
- Luck always favours the strong

Without a husband there is no family husbands are the once who play a major role in a family. Just like consumers of influence the price as we all know that without a consumers there is no market. A family with a husband is far more better then the one without a husbands because the family lays to the husbands. The triangular relationship between the man of the house and the family should be unbreakable we generally call that family power. The role the family therefore is to tilt the balance of power in favour of the husband.

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